
Diversity and Inclusion as a key driver of the future workplace


What does an inclusive workplace look like? How do we foster a truly inclusive culture throughout the organisation? 我们如何确保D&我的努力 are connected to our sustainability and business strategies and translated into great hires, 创新与增长?

Diversity and Inclusion as a key driver of the future workplace

What does an inclusive workplace look like? How do you foster a truly inclusive culture? 如何将多样性联系起来 & 包含的努力 to sustainability and business strategies?

These and many more questions were explored at an event held for key 国际空间站 customers and stakeholders at 国际空间站 headquarters in Copenhagen focusing on Diversity & Inclusion as a key driver of the future workplace.

‘’Extensive research has shown that inclusive companies with a diverse workforce and management, 在盈利能力方面表现更好, 创新, 吸引和留住人才,” Jacob Aarup-Andersen, Group CEO, when opening the event.


Through a series of presentations and a lively panel discussion, dialogue centered around putting words into actions to create truly inclusive workplaces.

‘’Perfectionism can create paralysis in Diversity & Inclusion,’’ said Serena Palmer, 多元化主管 & 人才在Ørsted. ‘’Everyone is waiting for the right time, but there’s no silver bullet. So, give yourself permission to experiment.’’

玛格特·斯拉特里,集团多元化主管 & Inclusion at 国际空间站, added, ‘’It’s about accountability. You can have all the aspirations and dreams in the world, but we need change to happen.’’

‘’It’s important to provide a framework for how we want it to happen, 例如,把多样性 & Inclusion in people’s objectives and making it part of business reviews.’’


“多样性 & 包含议程 is an integral part of our conversations with customers, when we talk about designing and facilitating great workplaces,乌拉·里伯说, 国际空间站集团工作场所管理主管.

‘’Workplaces are becoming increasingly people focused. This is clear from our latest 国际空间站 Pulse Survey that shows that employee engagement is now businesses’ top priority. 从这个角度来看,多样性 & 包含议程 becomes even more important for customers.’’

The deliberate design and execution of workplace experiences can support the Diversity & 包含议程. “例如, integrating wheelchair usage in the height of a meeting setting – table height, participant height – allowing all to be at the same physical level,乌拉说。.

‘’And as the future moves towards non-binary, the workplace design can support or even challenge such as implementing gender neutral or everyone restrooms with many customers,乌拉补充道。.


Rachel Osikoya, 全球 多元化主管 and Inclusion at Maersk, spoke about their Diversity & 包括建立基础, 追求结果, embedding into the culture to leveraging the benefits.

‘’This is not a linear journey, however’, said Rachel. ‘’You will have to keep going back and forth.’’

‘’Having so many employees from different countries and cultures is at the same time a huge strength of a company,雷切尔继续说。.

‘’It’s really important to bear in mind that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to a company’s Diversity & 包含的努力. Every company needs to look at its own organisation and people, not least in regard to maturity within the Diversity & 包含议程.’’

Rachel also spoke about the need to be bold and brave. ‘’When working in large global complex organisations, there will always be someone who disagrees with the approach, 具体倡议, 等等....... But be brave and courageous enough to continue.’’


With increasing understanding of the importance of Diversity & Inclusion as part of a company’s sustainability efforts, 特蕾西·尼尔森, 国际空间站可持续发展主管, spoke about the importance of collaboration.

‘’This not a new topic, but there’s no blueprint. Using shared knowledge is key, as it takes a group of people to truly drive change. 这是行动中的团结。.


在他们的联合报告中, Marte Albertine indergatrd, 多元化主管, 公平和包容北欧国家, 在光辉国际和卡特琳娜, 高级客户合伙人, 全球 国际空间站 Talent Acquisition Account Lead, 光辉国际(Korn Ferry)专注于人才.

“多样性 & Inclusion is about structural and behavioural change. 就像学开车一样, the more you practice, the better you get.’’

“但这还不够, you also need the infrastructure; stop signs, 去的迹象, 交通信号灯, 停车位. So, it is also about talent development through the Diversity & 包含镜头.’’


国际空间站 has a more than 120 year-legacy as a people company with a strong drive to act as social incubators to make a difference for employees, customers and the communities we operate in.

我们继续加速我们的D&我的努力. 例如, we’ve reached our target of gender balance on 国际空间站’s Board of Directors and have set a target for reaching at least 40% gender balance at corporate leadership level by 2025.

‘’However, we also still have a journey ahead of us,’’ said Jacob. ‘’We also need to translate our ambitions into even more actions that will make a true difference, 无论是明天还是将来.’’